NASA employee arrested and charged with murder of Maryland National Guardsman
I think you know how important it is to stand up to dictators.
I reacted because my plan was basically ruined.he said when asked why he hit Pelosi.
Sketch by Vicki Behringer He described his worldview as shaped by incessant consumption of extreme right-wing media and aligned with QAnon-inspired conspiracy theories.So the jury taking time means theyre not just considering the sort of violence and brutality of what weve seen.explained former federal prosecutor Anthony Brass.
Terrifying attackIn testimony one point re-playing audio of DePape telling law enforcement that Nancy Pelosi was the leader of the pack and highlighting why he went to the Pelosi home on October 28.
The defense made an argument which was basically trying to -- I think -- confuse the jury a little bit as to the elements of the crime and what are the legal elements.
Pelosi said he was able to grab his cellphone and called 911.The identities of those who died will not be released until their next of kin have been notified.
the bases public affairs office said on Thursday.Authorities are investigating multiple deaths at Fort Stewart Hunter Army Airfield on Nov.
identified as 30-year-old Sgtthe installations law enforcement was on the scene of an incident in on-post housing at around 5:20 p.