Koreas to ease tension along border
28 to pay tribute to the late leader in a move seen as highlighting its close ties with the Caribbean nation.
SAEED KHAN/AFP/Getty Sydney More than 30.The latest information we have is that theres a very good chance that the flooding will be worse than any of the other three floods that those areas had in the last 18 months.
But you know deep down its really hitting home hard to a lot of people.Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt said.The current flooding might affect areas that were spared during the previous floods in March last year.
said Mayor Theresa Fedeli of the Camden municipality where homes and businesses were inundated by the Nepean River over Sunday night.Disabled cargo ship awaits rescueOff the New South Wales coast.
7 inches could fall in Sydney on Monday.
Major flooding also occurred on the Hawkesbury at North Richmond on Sydneys northwest edge.It was part of a larger government effort to control the population of more than 100 of the mammals that roam around unsupervised in some rivers.
When the plan was first announced.chief of the environment office in charge of the plan.
The government estimates there are 169 hippos in Colombia.they end up killing fish and threatening endemic species like manatees.