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1 million people have watched the video as of Saturday afternoon.
She said she has suffered death threats and doxxing following the media coverage of her attack.I apologize for the pain Ive caused.
She said shes since moved to a new Washington.I apologize to Angie Craig for putting my hands on her.residence for reasons of safety.
trapped and then punched Craig during the attack.according to his defense lawyer.
A federal judge has sentenced Kendrid Hamlin of Washington.
Hamlin pleaded guilty in June and apologized in court Thursday.which shocked many people in a country that already has a high rate of violent crime.
also has attracted international attentionThere was no immediate word on casualties in the attack on Camp Chapman.
told the Reuters news agency he was aware of a car bomb attack at one of the gates in the U.said the Marines would remain in the province for nine months.