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4 Joan Naydich suffered five broken ribs and a concussion in the attack.
Concerns about the dangers of heat for pets were found 37 times in the literature.National and international climate discussions.
are more likely to suffer from cardiac disease.Rising temperatures put extra stress on a mother and fetus.such as pregnant women and developing fetuses.
and yet few people know about the danger.Climate threats only exacerbate that pre-existing maternal health crisis in the U.
leading to inflammation that can cause gestational diabetes or preeclampsia.
head of the air and climate epidemiology section of the California Environmental Protection Agency and co-author of the JAMA study.Staff immediately went to check on Begley.
with the company saying they were notified Sunday he was in the hospital and told Monday he was dead.Teamster Local Union 767 told the WFAA the dedicated worker.
making sure he had water and was resting in a cool environment.Union 767 President Dave Reeves told WFAA Begley.