Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro shake hands in Panama
I think if we do something like that.
said that the ship was built in approximately 700 A.The burial mound is over 196 feet long.
The discovery comes centuries after a seated skeleton and a sword were found at the same site.because it was believed they offered safe passage to the afterlife.animal bones and a seated skeleton with a sword.
The area where the ship was found is now the oldest known ship trench in Scandinavia.and was excavated multiple times in the 18th century.
Gemini noted that this means ship burials occured far earlier than researchers previously believed.
said that dating the ship back that far shows that people had maritime expertise and could build large ships much earlier than previously thought.They argued Taylor needs counseling for issues that include schizoaffective disorder.
But the law remains in effect in many states and has been used to charge others.But it said nearly 88% of them were convicted because of a prior felony conviction.
It was not the first time Taylors gun was fired in public.Investigators later found nearly an ounce of marijuana in Taylors bedroom and evidence of frequent drug use in her text messages and paraphernalia.