What secrets did Moon and Kim share?
Authorities continue to investigate the incident and are asking anyone with information to reach out to the sheriffs office at (805) 384-4745
at altitudes close to 80-90 kms) [50-56 miles].2023Solar flares cause radio blackouts due to them ionizing the Earths ionosphere.
thereby stopping them from continuing up to the higher ionosphere where they get bounced back towards the ground.The sun continued acting out this week when it spewed out a strong solar flare.The solar flare caused radio blackouts over the U.
6-class flare is therefore nearly as powerful as an X-class flare.This absorption effectively causes the radio blackout.
according to NOAAs Space Weather Prediction Center.
and an X10 flare is 10 times more powerful than an X1 flare.In a Facebook group of more than 59.
and shes looking at these boats as the enemy.When we had an interaction last year.
fireworks and loud horns were all suggested to keep away the whales.she associates whales as part of her team to survive in this pod.