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Australias rainfall varies greatly from one year to the next and from one decade to the next.
Dozens of crocodiles have escaped on two occasions.Their numbers are expected to grow to the thousands in the coming years.
It accused the farm owner of a lack of cooperation.has attempted to resettle the crocodiles in Cyprus.Dozens of the crocodiles lazed recently on the sun-baked shores of a lagoon on the property.
A lone worker feeds the animals dead chickens once every eight days.We found ourselves with hundreds of crocodiles in this farm that no one knows what to do with.
West Bank -- An Israeli businessman appears to have bitten off more than he can chew with plans for a crocodile farm in a West Bank settlement
He said citizens of the atomic-bombed cities are hoping to see North Korea denuclearized.I do hope the government can help.
the spokesman for Indonesias disaster mitigation agency (BNPB) as telling reporters in Jakarta.1 earthquake off Sumatra triggered a tsunami that killed 230.
emergency workers in orange uniforms removed a womans body from the ruins on Wednesday morning.said 131 people were confirmed dead.