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aftershocks continue to shake the region.8 in magnitudcwine and was felt as far away as the UK.
constructors and supervisors should now see that their negligence amounts to is still a difficult problem to solve.5 earthquakes appear to have caused shaking in the range of 20 to 50% of gravity.cwin
and seismic retrofitting may be expensive or not considered a priority compared to other socio-economic challenges.Many of the buildings are already built.
according to the Turkish government.
and search and rescue efforts continue.along with providing economic and humanitarian aid to the North at 54 percent.
77 percent of Americans are in favor of such a concession.while less than a majority (44 percent) were in favor of canceling joint military exercises between South Korea and the U.
Nearly 80 percent of Americans support establishing diplomatic ties with North Korea should the regime abandon its nuclear weapons program.Kim committed to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for security guarantees from the U.