Saturn apparently has 145 moons. So eat it, Jupiter._JBO
who was the lead author of one paperJBO reviewing the results of the joint galactic study by Webb and Hubble.
newly named for Jamaican artist Edna Manley.The complex interplay between these escarpments shows us that as the planet cooled and contracted it caused the surface crust to slip and slide.JBO
The photographs were taken during the missions third gravity-assisted flyby at the planet.creating a variety of curious features that we will follow up in more detail once in orbit.The imageJBOs were taken from 236 kilometers.
The black-and-white photos released by the agencies show multiple features.There are also features in the area that have been flooded with volcanic lava.
This is an incredible region for studying Mercurys tectonic history.
says Valentina Galluzzi of Italys National Institute for Astrophysics in the news release announcing the photos.This is a fantastic opportunity for Okinawans to deepen their roots as well as interact with international communities.
the Okinawa Association of America (OAA) will host their first information session for the 7th Worldwide Uchinaanchu Taikai/Festival in OctoberThe event will be recorded and an edited version will available at a later date upon request.
with an extensive range of activities ranging from festive outdoor gatherings to classical theater performances; global cultural exchanges to leadership symposiums; and even tournaments for karate and eisaa drumming.Facebook/Instagram: @oaamensore.