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you can reach the988 Suicide Crisis Lifelineby calling or texting 988.
He does not belong in Congress.His conduct is not only unbecoming and embarrassing.
The bipartisan Ethics Committee confirmed what most New Yorkers knew months ago: George Santos is a total fraud who stole an election to get to Congress.George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.As the governor of the state who actually needs members of Congress who are focused on doing their jobs and delivering for New York.
George Santos to immediately resign.he feels it would not have a major issue by the 2024 election.
Santos blasted the report as a disgusting politicized smear that shows the depths of how low our federal government has sunk in his lengthy statement.
that to me is sufficient basis to expel him from the Congress.Im not a man who sits at a desk to create a plan.
like a stop-motion animation of the night sky.brought out for visiting foreigners.
A company called Final Couture markets designer shrouds and specialized photographers create end-of-life portraits to be displayed at funerals.No other country even comes close (sorry.