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Now it makes me smile and grieve at the same time.
Paul has never opposed Iron Dome funding and has always supported Israel and continues to stand with them during these horrific and violent acts of terrorism.Paul has advocated to fully fund the Iron Dome through cutting funding to Afghanistan which is now run by the Taliban.
(It was eventually passed in an omnibus bill in March of 2022).He blocked the Senate from casting a quick vote on the funding.with thousands injured on both sides.
Paul faced criticism for withholding funding for Israels Iron Dome in 2021.Newsweek reached out to Senator Pauls office via email for comment.
instead suggesting the Iron Dome funding should have come from an aid package already approved for Afghanistan.
During past debate in the Senate.says biologist Gustavo Figueiroa.
ROGERIO FLORENTINO/AFP/Getty Elsewhere.head of the environmental group SOS Pantanal.
when wildfires also devastated the region.home to the worlds largest jaguar population.