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my God! My mom is 84 years old.
AP-YonhapNorth Korea called Wednesday for heightened alert against a new virus detected in China.carried an article warning that the new zoonotic virus called Langya henipavirus could lead to another pandemic.
The Langya virus is known to have infected 35 people as of last year since it was first discovered in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong in December 2018.just weeks after the country claimed victory over the COVID-19 crisis.Since declaring victory over the virus.
an organ of the Norths Workers Party.Some experts say the virus could take away lives like the new coronavirus if it is infected among people as the virus can cause severe health problems.
An employee of Pyongyang Dental Hygiene Products Factory disinfects a table in a dining room after the state boosted measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Pyongyang.
Pyongyang announced its first COVID-19 case on May 12 after claiming to be coronavirus-free for over two years.nominee for Best TV/Media-Limited Series.
both for the episode The Demon Moon Rises.all of which went to Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio; Best Writing-Feature; and Best Editorial-Feature (winner: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish).
” which was nominated for best animated short at the Academy Awards in 2015.Guillermo del Toros Pinocchio.