Fox Declines to Reshoot ‘Dads’ Scenes
before having the situation further explained.
That change goes into effect in December.The Army says the charges are now in the hands of Stockins brigade commander.
If the hearing officer agrees there is probable cause.Had the Army better screened Dr.Five of Stockins former patients who are among the accusers spoke with CBS News on the condition they not be identified because of the nature of the ongoing case.
especially in cases of sexual assault.they testify during the court martial.
In aJune 2023 report.
Stockin would not have been in a position to sexually abuse me and other patients.This is why I called for his resignation.
He does not belong in Congress.George Santos to immediately resign
I think he would enter a plea of guilty and work out the best deal he can with the Justice Department.George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.