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referring to the initials of the authoritarian nations official name.
He said when they realized who he was they allowed him to travel and not take it off.We regret the screening experience did not meet the expectations of Mr.
In the Sikh religion men are required to wear the turban.But England said security does have the right to search headwear.Bains complained to Canadas foreign minister who then complained to U.
He said there were challenges with the swab machine and he was recalled from the gate and brought back to security where he was asked to take the turban off.We recognize that passengers may be unable or unwilling to remove items for religious.
I was very frustrated and disappointed that this occurred but ultimately I was allowed to fly
We strongly support Israels right to defend itself.He cited the verified (by the IAEA) moves Iran had taken under what he called the most intrusive inspection regime ever devised.
flag and the nuclear deal as they chant slogans against the U.especially when demanding continued Iranian cooperation with nuclear inspections with far less scope to offer the reward of eased sanctions.
Britain has no intention of walking away.Germanys foreign minister also vowed to work to preserve the nuclear deal and prevent an uncontrolled escalation of tensions in the Middle East.