Obama warns against using religion to excuse violence
The French tax targets revenue instead of profits.
But they wanted to keep some of the classic Jewish traditions including the toasts.During the ceremony I was like looking out at the crowd.
and the officiant was not a rabbi.Israel Liran Buchny and Maor Shtern met almost a decade ago when they were serving in Israels army.Being gay is against the Jewish law.
Israel embraces gay tourists even hosts a gay Pride but lags behind when it comes to gay rights.which staged a mass wedding protest during pride in June.
Buchny said it was even more than the wedding they had hoped for.
In our World of Weddings seriesthat has to take place at the very top so the stakes really just couldnt be higher.
constructive conversation here.This is the first time they have spoken since theirlast meeting.
we had no way really to communicate with the Chinese.there are weeks and weeks of discussion about the agenda.