GOP senator’s ‘prayer’ for Obama underscores misplaced hate for the Prez
Vertex Pharmaceuticals said it had not yet established a price for the treatment in Britain and was working with health authorities to secure reimbursement and access for eligible patients as quickly as possible.
We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked.We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the worlds largest contribution to the United Nations.
in whats being called a big step in the right direction.alongside the Secretary General.also cites successes including the United States negotiating a reduction of more than $285 million off the 2016-2017 final budget
who walks through our cities and our neighborhoods.telling the faithful that the simple story of Jesus birth in a manger changed our history forever.
Pope Francis looks on at the end of mass on Christmas Eve on Dec.
who travels on our buses and knocks on our door.The Leonids produced a meteor storm in 1966 and again in 2002.
Once your eyes adjust to the skys darkness which takes less than 30 minutes you will begin to see the meteorswhich scientists expect will combine at point to form an even larger cluster.
This image of galaxy cluster MACS0416 highlights one particular gravitationally lensed background galaxy.that the science team nicknamed Mothra.