Thorchain’s THORSwap DEX now in maintenance mode amid illicit activity
leading to pain and damage to the cornea.
The only difference is professional allowances.relatively high compared with her colleagues.
only teachers with high seniority can receive VND20 million.A teacher at a well known high school in Hanoi said her income is VND11.The allowance is 30 percent for teachers working in areas with favorable conditions.
and their extra income is tens of million of dong a year.The formula to calculate teachers income is nearly the same as the one applied throughout the country.
headmaster of Quynh Phuong Secondary School in Hoang Mai Town of Nghe An province.
The teacher said that private tutoring is the choice of most teachers to improve their living standards.H recorded an 11th-grade female classmate on his phone while she walked to the school canteen.
Another student noticed and demanded he delete the video.Any acts of defamation or spreading false information will be legally addressed.
H denied filming female students in the restroom.The incident has caused anxiety among parents.