TikTok meets meditation: The singing bowl is a hit
Aguilar first focused on setting intentions and preparing the veterans for their experience.
a subscription-based website where people sell adult content.The committee said in a statement announcing the release of its findings that the investigative subcommittee tasked with examining allegations of misconduct by Santos unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that he knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
while the investigative panel found an unreported PayPal payment of $1.I stand firmly in my innocence.who voted against expelling Santos.
The report details how Santos allegedly engaged in a fraudulent scheme to use a company affiliated with the congressman to funnel campaign donations into his personal bank accounts.including blatantly stealing from his campaign; deceiving supporters into providing what they believed were donations to his campaign.
Republicans blocked that effort and instead referred the matter to the Ethics Committee.
LaLota said on X that the report confirmed that Santos is a total fraud who stole an election to get to Congress.with recent estimates claiming almost 17 vets take their own lives in the U.
and I felt my body just relax.and as soon as I heard it chime.
the veterans met with a local facilitator.so much anger and as soon as I let it go.