Prosecutors seek arrest warrant for ex-defense chief over botched martial law declaration
averting a government shutdown and punting a spending fight in Congress until early next year.
the medical charity Doctors Without Borders said.More challenging was reaching rural communities
She did not elaborate on how many troops Russia has sent.pulls last embassy personnel from VenezuelaSources have told CBS News national security correspondent David Martin that U.The rift between Russia and the United States over how to resolve the crisis in Venezuela widened following the weekend arrival of the Russian personnel.
advisers and technicians to Venezuela.the Russian Foreign Ministry acknowledged the conversation but said Lavrov had emphasised that Washingtons attempts to organise a coup detat in Venezuela and threats to its legitimate government are a violation of the UN Charter and blatant interference in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state.
but 100 was considered more than routine.
The Trump administration has dubbed Maduro an illegitimate leader after a re-election deemed deeply flawed by democratic standards.After 40 Indian soldiers were killed in a February suicide bombing in disputed Kashmir.
told Zargar earlier this month.Pakistan shot down one of Indias Soviet-era fighter jets and captured the pilot.
The airstrikes on Pakistan will likely boost Modis election prospects.bringing the nuclear-armed south Asian neighbors back from the brink of full scale war.