Christie rips 'political and electoral poison' Trump after GOP losses
Dont fret if youre one of them.
a Japanese social media influencer.taking some time off from devouring the hotdogs to wipe away the sweat and rehydrate.
The Tokyo-based YouTuber appeared to give Sudo her biggest challenge yet.Paul Martinka 6 Rival MayoEbihara devoured 33 hot dogs.The judges were having trouble keeping up MC George Shea told an anxious crowd awaiting the results.
Paul MartinkaThe victoryalsosaw Sudo go toe-to-toe with the 2021 champ.the crowd welcomed the victory with thunderous applause.
It was too close to call.
Sudo returned last year to reclaim her throne and has cemented her position as the worlds top-ranked female competitive eater with her latest win.has been hit with a complaint accusing him of posting inappropriate lip-synching videos on TikTok for two years.
Wilcox is now being investigated for violating three canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct.After serving as a federal prosecutor.
” Bergen County Superior Court Judge Gary Wilcox allegedly posted some 40 videos to his public TikTok account between April 2021 and March 2023.You gotta slow this mothaf—a down.