JANM’s Oshogatsu Family Festival Set for Jan. 8_shbet
in a convoy shbetof almost 20 vehicles.
Lee said she cant guarantee peoples safety but that she screens really carefully during her sessions.Her recent therapy session with the four women involved drinking mushroom tea.shbet
which she and the others shared more than four hours after drinking the tea.aided by eye masks and headphones with pre-loaded soundtracks.Lee believes a psychedelic rshbetenaissance is taking place.
Around 200 species of mushrooms are known to contain the active component that produces psychedelic effects.I felt trapped by my own panic.
Theyve made me feel like very.
People are hungry for emotional and psychospiritual healing.So concerns have increased that Seoul may be excluded in talks.
Pyongyang wont accept our dialogue offer.It has been said that Pyongyang continues ICBM tests to show its intention to make a deal with Washington over the issue.
the South Korean government can take the initiative in mapping out a sustainable peace regime and relieving military tensions on the Korean Peninsula.Washington is a player directly involved in the crisis.