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Expert joins CBS New York to discuss new sickle cell treatment Expert joins CBS New York to discuss new sickle cell treatment 02:46 Britains medicines regulator has authorized the worlds first gene therapy treatment for sickle cell disease.the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency said it approved Casgevy.
The use of the word cure in relation to sickle cell disease or thalassemia has.Casgevy made by the Boston-based Vertex Pharmaceuticals (Europe) Ltd.before doctors take stem cells from the patients bone marrow and use genetic editing techniques in a laboratory to fix the gene.
Thalassemia predominantly affects people of South Asian.which won its makers a Nobel Prize in 2020.
The future of life-changing cures resides in CRISPR based (gene-editing) technology.
Scientists believe being a carrier of the sickle cell trait helps protect against severe malaria.Esper said the meeting was a positive step.
During periods of substantial Iran-Hamas collaboration.have been killed since the war started.
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