Sonoma State President’s Husband Accused of Harassment; Retaliation Over Allegations Alleged
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plus additional damages determined during a trial.Mattel has refused to honor its promise.
Mattel and UCLA entered into another.claiming the company failed to make good on a pledge to donate $50million to the universitys childrens hospital.donated $25 million to the hospital over a period of time.
the spokesperson said in the facing a new lawsuit brought by UCLA and its health system.
Along with the update to its name.
in exchange for the hospital bearing Mattels name per the terms of an agreement.while some threw molotov cocktails.
The court said it did not consider anti-mask laws unconstitutional in general.A few hundred streamed out of the campus about 8:15 a.
Protesters who spent days trying to keep police from getting in are now desperately trying to get out.It seemed unlikely the protesters would accept the offer given that they would all likely be arrested.