Golden Globe Nominations Include Asian Representation_FIVE88
as well as regional issues and FIVE88the performance of Indonesias police in countering militancy.
rockets have long been the signature weapon of the group.The war came just two years after Israel launched the eiFIVE88ght-day Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza in 2012 after Hamas retaliated with rocket fire to the IDFs killing of Al-Qassam Brigades second-in-command Ahmed al-Jabari.
who was killed during the 2014 Gaza war.said to have been used for the first time in combat against the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as war continues to consume the Gaza Strip.the Q-12 and Q-20FIVE88 rockets have an estimated range of 12 kilometers and 20 kilometers.
Hamas has managed to amass these weapons in spite of the IDFs longstanding attempts to institute a blockade of the coastal Palestinian territory.along with the date October 30.
which is estimated to be 40 kilometers.
diverse and expanding arsenal of weapons that the group has used against Israel throughout a decades-long conflict.The 14 other council members had until midday Thursday to object.
asked the Security Council committee monitoring sanctions against North Korea to send a letter to U.AFPRussia and China blocked the United States on Thursday from getting the United Nations to publicly accuse North Korea of smuggling in refined petroleum products beyond the annual quota of 500.
also asked the committee to prevent ship-to-ship transfers of petroleum products.and two diplomats said Russia put a hold on the U.