A Message from the GVJCI Executive Director_cwin
The footage showed the suscwinpect driving around the area of the building at 2 p.
ROGERIO FLORENTINO/AFP/Getty Elsewhere.Brazil The Pantanal wcwinetlands in western Brazil are famed as a paradise of biodiversity.
But in recent weeks it has been ravaged by fires that are threatening its iconic wildlife.says veterinarian Aracelli Hammann.the corpse of another sits rotting on the bank.cwin
says biologist Gustavo Figueiroa.Nearly one-third of the park has been hit by fires in the past month.
a thriving ecotourism industry.
reaching all the way up to the apex predator.the impacts would be truly dangerous and destabilizing.
since thats the most widely cited document on climate change.exact estimates remain elusive.
No scientist is expecting anything even close to that this century.Of the many threats from climate change.