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Grundmann created a list of 80 sites in Lower Silesia one of which was the Hochberg Palace where he concealed precious objects and wealth.
The custody evaluator who recommended Allan get sole custody of their girls was removed from a number of courts after photos surfaced of the judge presiding over the custody case officiating at the evaluator’s wedding.6 Allan Kassenoff told his wife he hated her in videos she reportedly took and uploaded to a Dropbox folder.
The court system did this to me … It is a predatory system that functions in darkness — through ‘gag orders like the one in my case.6 Catherine claimed an “unfair” system unrightfully barred her from seeing her daughters.In addition to her public suicide note.
6 Catherine Kassenoff wrote that she was taking her own life through assisted suicide on May 27.Their father has spent years and millions of dollars — over $3 million — to eliminate me from our girls lives … He will never relent … As long as I am alive and want to see them.
and through ex parte ‘temporary orders that are in place for years.
you have focused your rage on destroying me.“We were in the darkness.
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They hid in the bush so as not to be found.too — but was badly wounded and selflessly urged them to leave her to save themselves.