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11 NY Post composite 11 Israeli forces conduct ground operations in the Gaza Strip on Monday.shows its ground operation in the Gaza Strip.
see also Israel war 2023 Gaza receives largest aid shipment so far as deaths top 8.Thanks for signing up! Never miss a would set the stage for Israels looming ground-force assault into Gaza as part of the second-stage in its war against Hamas following the murder of more than 1.
he said at a press conference Monday.President Biden urged Israel to immediately and significantly increase the aid reaching Gaza as he implored his ally to prioritize the safety of civilians and hostages in the mission to destroy Hamas.
along with all 9 other hospitals still working in northern Gaza.
It was a worrying sign that civil order is starting to break down.but it is becoming clear that moderate sanctions cannot stop the North.
The LKP said the Moon government had given up security.By Kim Rahn Political parties unanimously condemned North Koreas ballistic missile test Friday
South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-whaJapanese Foreign Minister Taro KonoU.The North dismissed the sanctions and vowed to bolster its nuclear capabilities.