Moon expresses hope for successful US-North Korea summit
M?t tr?n ph?i th??ng xuyên ??i m?i phù h?p v?i th?c ti?n.
Qu?c h?i n??c C?ng hòa x? h?i ch? ngh?a Vi?t Nam.t? t??ng H? Chí Minh trong th?i ??i hi?n nay.
??t n??c ta m?t ?i nhà l?nh ??o tài n?ng; phong trào c?ng s? ??nh vai trò tiên phong.Ch? t?ch n??c C?ng hòa x? h?i ch? ngh?a Vi?t Nam.
15h20: Ch? t?ch n??c T? Lam.V?i nh?n quan chính tr? sau s?c.
nh?ng do tu?i cao b?nh n?ng.
Nhà l?nh ??o kiên trung Nguy?n Phú Tr?ng kh?ng ng?ng xay d?ng ??ng ta ngày càng trong s?ch.Georgia is a transport and logistic hub aiming to serve as an entry gate to the Caucasus and Central Asia.
FTA is expected to be signed next year and will cover trade in goods and services while enhancing sectoral cooperation in renewable energy.the development of transport and logistics services.
as well as the undersea cable initiative--The Black Sea Submarine Electricity Cable project linking Georgia to the European Union.and expand Europe-Asia trade routes.