A girl made poop-shaped brownies to see if sight affects taste. We're thinking it does.
American officials spent billions trying and failing to curb Afghanistans drug production.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/IRAP/SWNSCuriosity has been slowly moving up the 5km-high Mount Sharp on Mars.Originally Published by: New evidence has been found that a wet-dry cycle once existed on Mars — one of the essential things needed for life.
its also possible that life arrived on Earth from another place.the mission has found evidence of conditions that may have promoted the origin of life.A close-up of the panorama taken by Curiositys Mastcam at Pontours reveals hexagonal patterns.
which are the building blocks of life.There has long been speculation about extraterrestrial life due to the gigantic size of the cosmos.
The team looked at the distinctive hexagonal pattern and found they were likely evidence of high-frequency wet-dry cycles.
The authors believe the mud patterns indicate there may have even been an Earth-like climate regime and surface environments favorable to prebiotic evolution.comMeyer said that despite the paper being open to cooperating with the cops.
a University of Kansas law professor who also served as the states solicitor general.the city and others to lawsuits for alleged civil right violations.
if they havent already been asked by various interests to look at it.3 Despite being raided by police earlier this month.