HBO Max sets launch date for new streaming service
sailors are working together to find a way to deter the orcas.
where an official said at least three people were injured in northeastern Badakhshan province near the border with Pakistan.Authorities faced problems getting details in the remote district where the Taliban have a strong presence.
He said authorities were still trying to assess the damage in the province.Geological Survey reported the quakes center was in northeast Afghanistan near the Pakistan border.said the quake was so strong he started running toward the stairs instead of using the office elevator to get out of the building.
At least three people were injured in Afghanistan.6 quake in 2005 killed thousands of people in Pakistan and Kashmir.
The earthquake also was felt in the Indian capital New Delhi and the Indian Kashmir region
Tear gas had to be used to diffuse the angry streets when the winner was declared weeks after the vote took place.people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease tend to carry a family history of this condition.
they most likely involve some autoimmune type process largely driven through genetics.Other risks include environmental factors like diet.
and only involves inflammation of the innermost lining of the large intestine.What causes inflammatory bowel disease?While causes havent been specifically clarified.