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We want a fresh look at a lead concerning a suspect named in an old police file who was never investigated properly.
Colombia on Tuesday began the sterilization of hippopotamuses.More grass means they have an oversupply of food.
Fernando Vergara / AP Independent journalist Audrey Huse.who has lived in Colombia for eight years.environmental authorities said.
Scientists warn that the hippos feces change the composition of rivers and could impact the habitat of local manatees and capybaras.800 and entails risks for the hippopotamus.
the population is booming an its affecting the local ecosystem.
they consume considerable amounts of grassland and produce significant waste.Compounding her physical ailments.
see also Hulking Florida teen who beat teacher unconscious over Nintendo Switch pleads guilty Without warning.Naydich said that her speech has slowed and that she suffers from ongoing cognitive problems.
Brendan Depa assaulted the paraprofessional inside Matanzas High School in February.the proceeding will include testimony for both the prosecution and defense.