Former Ethereum developer sentenced to 5 years in prison
Hamburg police said in a tweet that one lifeless person who was found inside the building could be a perpetrator.
Whether its a sea lion that we have at a hospital right now named Tyrell.Millions of metric tons of plastics wind up in the ocean each year.
one of the planets biggest environmental problems.They figured out a way for a natural enzyme to digest strong plastic commonly used in bottles.Great Pacific Garbage Patch is growing rapidly.
study revealsMagnified images.Researchers at the University of Portsmouth in Great Britain may have come up with a solution.
Most enzymes are digesting maybe grass stains or things like that in your clothing.
Scientists are now working to improve the enzyme so that it works on a large scale.That belief was espoused byconvicted murderer Robert Bowers.
Advertisers have shied away from X partly due to concerns about their content appearing near hate speech.the Washington Postreportedlast month.
whose personal fortune Forbes puts at $243 advocacy group that works to combat hate against Jewish people.