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declared by the Icelandic Civil Protection.
the Texas residenttold CBS went viral generating millions of views.
the judge asked her a specific question.Brandon being at peace and being OK with being a part of our family the way it is is super important.She turned to God and asked for guidance.
More than a decade after his accident.this kind of unique family situation for about that I have for about 15 years.
When someone has a severetraumatic brain injuryin a big way.
They were unable to tell me if he was alive or not.The bodies of the whales are being separated into pods and enclosed with water booms.
Conservation experts and trained volunteers were able to save 108 of the approximately 470 long-finned pilot whales spotted on a remote sandbank in Tasmanias Macquarie Harbour on Monday.Tasmanians come together to respond as quickly and compassionately as possible.
some researchers have suggested the whales may have gone off track after feeding close to the shoreline or by following one or two whales that strayed.Water and Environment We know its hard for people to watch from afar and thank the community for allowing our teams to focus on the critical work required for the response.