Bartlett Outraises Republican Opponents in First Reporting Period as Congressional Candidate
its not a death thats caused by natural causes.
George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.This is why I called for his resignation.
This will let the Third District participate in a valid election.He does not belong in Congress.The average voter will see the Republicans did what they had to do.
New York lawmakers call on Rep.this report confirms what we knew: George Santos is a fraud.
during and after he was in Congress.
Their reactions came after the House Ethics Committee released its scathing report on Santos.thousands of meteors per minute fell through Earths atmosphere so many that it looked like it was raining.
The Leonids come from debris from the comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle.1999 shows a Leonid meteor storm over the Azrak desert.
The fireballs produced by the Leonids persist longer than the average meteor streak because they originate from larger particles.For 15 minutes during the 1966 storm.