This baby flamingo in blue boots will make your day
relationship with China as one of competition.
asking for help to save his children buried under their toppled house.Puruhito is already leading more than 4.
Balikpapan and Jakarta were being deployed to help in Mamuju and Majene.Two ships were heading to the affected areas from Makassar and Balikpapan carrying rescuers and search and rescue equipment.known by its Indonesian acronym BMKG.
KS Tubun Mamuju Sulawesi Barat.Other images showed a severed bridge and damaged and flattened houses.
an excavator came to help and the rescuers eventually retrieved four survivors and three bodies.
A powerful Indian Ocean quake and tsunami in 2004 killed 230.Jam Press/@chengruwang see also 15-foot ‘doomsday fish’ washes up on beach: ‘We are all going to die! The critter also had mysterious craters across its body.
which was the first one he encountered in all his years of scuba diving.perhaps did not bode well for the beast.
Divers estimated that the “earthquake fish” measured around 6-and-a-half feet long.000 trout euthanized to prevent fish pandemic Hole-y diver.