Kim Jong-un to meet Putin in Russia: KCNA
will take place during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit an annual meeting of 21 Pacific nations that account for about half of all global trade.
sales assistant Nuria Medina Marin folds a lopi sweater that was knitted in China.What if the sweater is made by a Polish resident in Iceland? asked Bjarni Jonsson.
It is amazing how quickly it began to resemble national pride and unity.urging the government to ban sweaters not locally made.The thick sweaters are impossible to make by machine.
The quality of each garment ultimately comes down to the skill of the individual knitter.hand-knitted lopi sweaters adored by tourists and worn with pride by locals.
Iceland - Trouble is rattling one of Icelands most distinctive industries: the production of the thick.
Containers full of local yarn are shipped from the North Atlantic island life imprisonment for kidnapping.
Her mutilated body was found in the woods a week later.000 child rape cases were reported in 2016.
in a case that has exacerbated tensions in the disputed regionRussia blamed Ukraine for the alleged attack while also claiming the United States was involved.