28 March 2024 Ethena Labs announces 750 million ENA airdrop for its community
but the incident required surgery and extensive post-operative care.
cocaine production jumped 35%.The screen flashed green and the analysis was clear: Caution: MDMA (ecstasy).
people can order online on the dark web in a few clicks and can decide what they want and have it delivered to their homes.The increase is due to a combination of expansion in coca bush cultivation and improved techniques in making cocaine.So in 2022 we got to nearly six tons of drugs.
several more illicit deliveries emerged from packages received in just the past week.and send them all around the world.
Souvenirs in Meuleneires workspace include portraits of Jesus Christ that were held in frames stuffed with drugs.
an anesthetic misused as a recreational drug and one of the fastest growing illegal exports through the airport postal depot.which existed about 3 billion years after the big bang.
experts involved in the massive study have colloquially named the bundle of celestial objects the Christmas Tree Galaxy Cluster because of its distinctively polychromatic appearance.with the bluest galaxies believed to be relatively nearby and the redder galaxies farther away.
an astronomer and professor at the University of Missouri.that the science team nicknamed Mothra.