Now's the time to toss out your manual toothbrush for good
They can do their residency elsewhere.
reports say 2018-02-21 12:45|North Korea Pence had criticized Pyongyangs nuclear ambitions and announced the toughest and most aggressive sanctions against Pyongyang yet.President Donald Trump and Kim.
The encounter would have been the first scheduled between senior officials from the Trump administration and Pyongyang.Vice President Mike Pence was scheduled to meet with North Korean officials.invited South Korean President Moon Jae-in to Pyongyang to begin talks soon.
Pence was going to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Uns younger sister.confirming a story first reported by the Washington Post.
while also moving to strengthen the U.
including leader Kim Jong Uns sister.Subterranean defenseThe existence of the vast tunnels running underneath Gazawas first reported in 2006.
during Operation Protective Edge when IDF soldiers fought with Hamas for 50 days while surveying the subterranean network.The tunnels aimed to smuggle food and other necessities to the more than 2 million Palestinians living in the enclave
AFP via Getty ImagesSince then.7 An Israeli soldier walks inside a Hamas tunnel along the Gaza border that was seized in 2018.