Repairs under way for flood damage at Yongbyon reactor sites: 38 North
According to a recent report by Maybank Investment Bank.
Hoang Hiep Car buyers wait for official decision on vehicle-registration tax cut Used-car market lackluster amid news about lower vehicle registration tax Comment Copy link Topic: business news vietnams automobile market.than save VND200 million and own a used car.
If the government approves the 50 percent tax cut.But there are very few such products this year.noted that the used-car demand of both sellers and buyers fell dramatically after Tet holiday (February).
Used-car dealers find it difficult to find cars to buy because of few was easy for us to ‘hunt for good products during World Cup and Euro Cup season.
including the low sale season and economic difficulties
including the low sale season and economic difficulties.which is anticipated to be done in July.
The line passes through eight elevated and four underground is expected to be finished in 2027.
Work on the line started in 2009 and was initially scheduled for completion in 2015Work on the line started in 2009 and was initially scheduled for completion in 2015.