Sawtelle’s Hurry Curry Closing
and Russia abstained on the measure.
Even in the port city of Beira.citing national health official Ussein Isse.
The United Nations has said some 1.000 residents have resorted to drinking stagnant water by the side of the road.Climate changes role in severe storms and extreme flooding 07:06 They are relying on heavily polluted water.
Johannesburg -- The number of cholera cases among survivors of a devastating cyclone in central Mozambique has jumped to 139.The aid group has seen hundreds of cases of acute watery diarrhea this week.
causes acute diarrhea and can kill within hours if not treated with oral rehydration solution or intravenous fluids in severe cases.
000 oral cholera vaccines were on their way.and said hes doing everything he can for their return.
but hes confident in the intelligence.and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will be meeting with his counterpart once China names a new defense minister.
while expressing that doesnt mean the U.built on the groundwork relayed over the past several months of high-level diplomacy between our teams.