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He announced progress on key U.
after attacks on two tankers near the Persian Gulf.This was actually a fairly high skilled attack by a small boat coming alongside the ship.
for Americans that means potentially higher prices at the gas pump and the potential for conflict should this escalate.and then making its escape in time in order to avoid the explosion.Iran says it is in charge of maintaining security in the Strait of Hormuz.
the narrow waterway near where the attack took place.The waterways in the region are crucial to the global transportation of oil and gas: A third of all shipped oil comes through the area.
that American officials say shows an Iranian patrol boat coming alongside and removing an unexploded mine from one of the tankers hulls.
Regardless of how the attack occurred.following the conclusion of closing arguments.
Testimony in the case wrapped up Tuesday.Terrifying attackIn testimony Monday
He was never my target and Im sorry that he got hurt.But if the jury can be confused about the elements.