USC Research Spending Surpasses $1 Billion for First Time, Federal Report Shows
com/VfLg7Yznz3 NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) March 6.
edited or completely fabricated.who was shot and wounded in the head during clashes with Israeli troops.
Israels defense minister on Sunday rejected international calls for an investigation into the deadly violence.stance in the decades-long Middle East crisis decidedly towards Israel since taking office.It also accuses Hamas of trying to use protests as a cover for planting explosives and staging attacks.
secretary-general and the European Unions foreign policy chief have urged an investigation.At least four of the dead were members of the Hamas military wing.
Most of Gazas 2 million people are descendants of Palestinian refugees.
Lieberman told Israeli Army Radio.The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday.
the best feeling in the world.It just reset everything in a few hours.
Many of them suffer from post-traumatic stress and debilitating brain injuries.with recent estimates claiming almost 17 vets take their own lives in the U.