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The committee said in a statement announcing the release of its findings that the investigative subcommittee tasked with examining allegations of misconduct by Santos unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that he knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
wrote in The Daily Telegraph that the war on cannabis had been lost and that it was deluded to pretend otherwise.Celebrity pot smokers 28 photos.
Charlotte Caldwell welcomed the announcement.We are on the threshold of the next chapter of the history books.and issuing orders to the police to defeat its use is about as up-to-date and relevant as asking the Army to recover the Empire.
but said she wanted to hear more details.former British Foreign Secretary William Hague joined a growing number of politicians and medical experts calling for the government to legalize marijuana.
LONDON -- The British government announced Tuesday it would move to lift its ban on cannabis-based medicines.
1st nation to legalize pot struggles to keep up with demandSome parents of epileptic kids wary of pot-based medicineCalifornia Airbnb offers bud and breakfast -- pot included Gov.Rather than striking at one company.
the union targeted individual plants at all three automakers.2008 concessionsCiting the automakers strong profits.
making the company the first Detroit automaker to get a ratified deal that could end a contentious and lengthy labor dispute.000 workers at the Detroit companies were walking picket lines.