The State of The Rafu Shimpo: An Open Letter from the Publisher
Im not going to quibble on words.
are leading to rising sea levels.a geoscientist at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany.
but 2019 data reveals a return to extremely high melt rates.Researchers compared data from satellites with regional climate models to make their calculations.The melting Greenland ice sheet is already one of the largest contributors to sea level rise.
But the five years with the highest losses since 1948 were all in the last addition to oceans expanding as they warm.
when NASA satellites began precisely recording how much ice is melting.
Researchers said a number of factors have contributed to an increase in surface melting.Russian dissident Alexei Navalny.
tweeted on Saturdaythat the struggle for Alexeis life and health is just an area of the capitals Tegel airport used for government and military flights.
a politician and corruption investigator who is one of Russian President Vladimir Putins fiercest criticsThe Kremlin denied resistance to the transfer was political.