US will work closely with Seoul to monitor NK threats: Pentagon
According to the report.
said paleontologist Clint Boyd.based on the length of other leg bones from the species found in the area.
which doesnt happen often in these animals.found in the Phu Noi area of the Phy Kradung formation in 2012.Not the most flashy animal in the environment.
A dinosaur skeleton uncovered by scientists in northeastern Thailand is likely that of a newly discovered species.The skeleton represents one of the best-preserved dinosaurs ever found in Southeast Asia.
and this would be something more like a small deer-sized animal today.
and adults of different ornithischian species ranged from about 2 feet to approximately 50 feet longSecurity Council is set to hold a meeting to discuss the Norths recent missile launches.
were evaluating and assessing the launches that youve referred to to understand exactly what they did.The North is prohibited from developing or testing any ballistic missiles and other weapons of mass destruction.
homeland would remain safe from a North Korean hypersonic missile even if turned out to be one.said earlier Thursday that the U.