Rakugo Comedy ‘Talk, Talk, Talk’ at WLA UMC_HAPPYLUKE
when they receive the maHAPPYLUKEximum payout about 76% higher than at age 62.
At a recent signing at Mar-a-Lago.GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty ImagesIts unclear when the footage was taken.HAPPYLUKE
after signing the back of the girls hand.2023This seems to be a reference to a 1992 videowhich was uncovered in 2016 by CBSin which Trump can be heard talking to a girl in the lobby of Trump Tower before making remarks about her.Trump can be heaHAPPYLUKErd off-camera asking the girl if shes going up an escalator.
referencing some of Trumps prior remarks about women.The former president has in the past been accused of sexism over the views he has expressed about women.
Newsweek has reached out to Trump for comment.
Hopefully the young lady will have better taste in men.The report details how Santos allegedly engaged in a fraudulent scheme to use a company affiliated with the congressman to funnel campaign donations into his personal bank accounts.
as most Republicans and 31 Democrats withheld support for punishing him while the Ethics Committee investigation and his criminal trial proceed.who voted against expelling Santos.
he placed his desire for private gain above his duty to uphold the Constitution.The four-member panel said Santos was a knowing and active participant in the alleged misconduct.