State Teachers Federation Endorses Furutani
McCarthys ouster paralyzed the House from moving any legislation for three weeks amid Republican Party infighting over who should replace him.
”Dozens of photographs taken by the Fresno inspectors show a dirty warehouse mirroring the video taken by lawyers for a Louisiana company that sued UMI.Two California state agencies called on by the city of Fresno to intervene in the matter tell Fox they had no authority to get involved but the delay of local and state officials to take action in fall 2022 appears to haveallowed lab workers to empty a warehouse full of dangerous biological agents.
6 An official sign informs the public of the closure of a warehouse that housed a now-shuttered medical lab owned by Chinese business people and that officials say was operating illegally in Reedley.Follow-up investigations concluded there were numerous safety violations.”The next day Golden used similar language in asking for help fromthe California EPA.
” Golden told other city workers.CalEPAs acting deputy secretary forcommunications.
6 Containers full of bottles and other substances in a biolab in Fresno.
FOX NEWS“Time is of the essence.Minnesota The family of a Minnesota man says their son was taken by Russian troops as he was trying to flee Ukraine.
the family was getting calls in the middle of the night saying bombs are falling.planes are fighting in the air.
Embassy in Moscow to find him and resolve this situation as quickly as possible.While he doesnt know where Jacob is.