James Kanno, First Mayor of Fountain Valley, Passes Away at 91
The number of people displaced in the last two weeks exceeds all conflict-related displacement in Sudan in 2022.
six brilliant actors who have performed Hold These Truths over the last five years — Ryun Yu.but the recording will be available for 48 hours after the live event has ended.
=*=In celebration of our incredible AAPI theatre community.You are invited to this special event to honor.for dreaming this up!The reading will be FREE to anyone who registers.
ly/HoldTheseTruthsVirtualThank you to each of these beloved friends and artists for taking part.and to raise money for our friends at CAATA (Consortium of Asian American Theatre Artists).
Jessica Kubzansky and Danny Feldman.
“All proceeds raised through this event will go to the Consortium of Asian American Theaters and Artists and the incredible work they do to promote AAPI artists and to contribute to our national theatre ecology.So many people do not understand who the Amish really are.
and I remember milking the cows that night knowing this was the last time I would milk cows by hand.detailed his experiences fleeing his childhood Amish community.
Milo Miller still remembers his last night of Amish life in 2000.I knew that was going to be my last breakfast with my family.