Poston Community Alliance Extends Registration for Pilgrimage
and while some shooting was heard.
The people of Syria should be protected by their government; their children should be growing up safe and healthy; Instead they are the innocent victims in a conflict that has brought untold suffering.Syrian man who lost family in chemical attack speaks out 02:14 In the last six months.
as well as dozens of photos and videos of impact sites and victims.identifies three different systems being used to deliver chemical weapons:Government warplanes appear to have dropped bombs with nerve agents on at least four occasions since December 12;Government helicopter-dropped chlorine-filled munitions have become more systematic;Government or pro-government ground forces have started using improvised ground-launched munitions filled with chlorine.The Human Rights Watch report makes almost two dozen recommendations: to the U.
could amount to crimes against humanity.including a travel ban and asset freeze on those in the Syrian government and military chain of command responsible for chemical attacks that the U.
and OPCW have confirmed and to refer the situation to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Resident Fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington.Pelosi from so many across the country during this difficult time.
This story has been updated to correct the potential sentence DePape now faces.and Bay Area scholar and University of Michigan professor of womens and queer studies Dr.
Nancy Pelosis spokesperson Aaron Bennett released the following statement following the verdicts:Speaker Pelosi and her family are deeply grateful for the outpouring of prayers and warm wishes for Mr.the latest incident of violence attributed to demonizing political rhetoric.