Morpho becomes first L2 protocol to launch on Base
And our representatives need to take action.
Ill keep them forever and ever.Thank you for the best 10 years a person gets to have.
Aniston included a screenshot of that text from Perry.Kudrow thanked Perry for his years of real-life friendship.Ive been pouring over our texts to one another.
Laughing and crying then laughing again.Aniston ended her post with a well-known Chandler bit from Friends: I talk to you every day sometimes I can almost hear you saying could you BE any crazier? Schwimmer.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lisa Kudrow (@lisakudrow)Like Aniston and Schwimmer.
a romance budded between their characters until the series finale.the Pantanal is home to the worlds biggest tropical wetlands and.
Experts say even when animals survive the flames.firefighters face huge logistical battles.
Figueiroa warns the two fire fronts are about to merge.Climate conditions have only made things worse.